Moving House Checklist: Making Your Move Smooth and Stress-Free

Moving checklist

Moving house is a significant milestone in life, whether you’re upsizing, downsizing, or relocating. While the idea can be thrilling, it can also be daunting without proper planning. But fret not! We’ve got your back with this comprehensive moving house checklist, ensuring a seamless transition to your new abode.

Set your Moving Date

Whether you’re a buyer, seller or both, one of the first steps in your moving house checklist is to decide on a moving date (aka the completion date). Although the exact date may be up in the air for a while, you can expect to move around 16 weeks after an offer has been accepted, so work roughly to this date. You can then choose your exact moving day as soon as contracts have been exchanged. But bear in mind you may need to compromise with the rest of the chain if several of you are moving on the same day.

Although Fridays and bank holidays are the most popular days to choose, you may want to consider other dates, as this is when removal companies will be in high demand and may charge more. For a less stressful and possibly cheaper move, opt for off-peak times such as mid-week. 

Two Months Before the Move

Declutter and Donate: Start by assessing all your belongings. It’s surprising how much we accumulate over time. Consider donating items you no longer need or hosting a garage or car boot sale.

Research Moving Companies: Shop around for reputable removal companies. Look for reviews, get quotes, and ensure they have insurance. Book your chosen company as early as possible.

Gather Supplies: Start collecting moving boxes, bubble wrap, packing tape, and markers.

One Month Before the Move

Start Packing Non-Essentials: Begin with items you rarely use. Label each box with its contents and its destination room.

Notify Utility Providers: This includes water, gas, electric, internet, and television providers, and let them know your exact moving date once you know.

Redirect Mail: Use the Royal Mail’s redirection service to ensure none of your mail gets lost in the transition. You can re-direct your mail from your moving date to any UK or overseas address from 3 to 12 months.

Two Weeks Before the Move

Confirm Details with Movers: Double-check the date, time, and other specifics with your removal company.

Pack Most of Your Belongings: By now, most of your items should be in boxes.

Arrange Child and Pet Care: Moving day can be chaotic. It might be best to have children and pets cared for elsewhere.

Inform Friends and Family: Send out a change of address notification to loved ones.

One Week Before the Move

Pack an Essentials Box: Include items you’ll need immediately upon arriving at your new home. This can have toiletries, a change of clothes, important documents, chargers, drinks and snacks.

Defrost Your Freezer: If you’re taking your refrigerator with you, ensure it’s emptied and defrosted at least 48 hours before moving day.

Finalise Packing: All items, except daily essentials, should now be boxed up.

Leave Essential Details for New Owners: It’s helpful to leave any manufacturer guides for appliances you’ll be leaving behind, details of where additional keys are, utility meters and the water stop tap.

The Day Before the Move

Confirm Arrival Time: Check in with your movers one last time.

Pack a Personal Bag: This should contain everything you’ll need for the first night in your new home.

Disassemble Furniture: If your removal company isn’t doing this for you, take apart furniture ready for the move.

Moving Day!

Be Prepared: Wake up early and get a good breakfast. This will be an energy-draining day.

Welcome the Movers: Be present when they arrive to answer any questions.

Take Meter Readings: Before you leave your old property, jot down readings or take a photo for gas, water, and electricity, ready to provide to the utility companies.

Do a Final Walkthrough: Ensure nothing has been left behind in cupboards, the loft, shed, garage or garden.

Hand Over Keys: If you’re selling your property, make arrangements to pass the keys to the new owner or the estate agent.

Once You’ve Moved In

Check Utilities: Ensure all utilities are working correctly in your new home and take readings the day you move in.

Begin Unpacking: Start with your essentials box and then move on to beds and other items systematically.

Familiarise Yourself with the Area: Take a walk, find local shops, and introduce yourself to neighbours.

Register with New Services: If you’ve moved to a different locality, register with a new GP, dentist, etc.

After Settling In

There is a long list of companies and people you’ll need to inform of your new address. Be sure to update:

The DVLA, banks and building societies, insurance companies (including car, home, pet and any other insurances), credit card and store card companies, HMRC and Inland Revenue, Local Council (for council tax and re-register to vote), your employers, the schools your children attend, tv licensing, utility companies, telephone and broadband providers, plus friends, families and colleagues.  

Review Your Experience: If your estate agent was particularly helpful through a stressful time or you hired a moving company, consider leaving a review of your experience to help others, it really helps small local companies out.

Enjoy Your New Home: This is the beginning of a new chapter. Enjoy it!

In conclusion, moving house can become far less stressful when adequately planned. This checklist should guide you through each step, ensuring that nothing gets overlooked. Here’s to a smooth transition and beautiful memories in your new home!

If you’re ready to start your property journey, contact us for a Free Valuation today!

We have offices across Worcestershire and the West Midlands including Barnt Green, Bromsgrove, Redditch, Rubery, Solihull and Worcester, and our friendly team of experts are here to advise and help you every step of the way!